Investing in revenue streams by indentifying undervalued assets
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Royalty Management Holding Corporation (NASDAQ:RMCO) is a royalty company building shareholder value to benefit both our shareholders and communities by acquiring and developing high value assets in a sustainable market environment.

Our model is to acquire and structure assets, equity interests, royalty interests and cashflow streams around assets that can support the communities by monetizing the assets with a future focus.
"Where legacy royalty companies cling to the past we leap towards the future. We work with the local communities to understand the sustainability of the cashflow and assets to build a model with our operating teams that can not only survive, but thrive."

Resources / Land

Acquire assets and rights for critical element and rare earth element, metallurgical carbon, traditional resource deposits and land resources that can be proven out and monetized for long term cash flow streams.


We have, and will continue to, seek out sustainable revenue streams utilizing land and methods traditionally focusing only on legacy ways of monetizing land and assets. We are targeting water, agriculture, sustainable timber and sustainable building solutions through long term financial structures.

IP & Digital

Acquire the rights to intellectual property and development or acquisition of blockchain technologies. We sponsor efforts to generate long term value from new and existing technology through the expansion of cash flow.